The opportunity to be chosen, without any other interest, gives us reason to be proud of what has become FAPCEN, a national and international reference.
As you are aware of the work we provide, one, in particular, motivates us to continue in the mission proposed by rural entrepreneurs in 1983, when they created the FAPCEN “Foundation for Support to Research of the Northern Export Corridor”, as promoting sustainable development.
And so it was done. Soybean seeds were scattered along the Equator, as predicted, generating jobs and income in regions considered poor and unproductive.
Today the most used term in the world “sustainable agriculture”, happens in an accelerated way, with a part represented by the professionalism of the man of the country when he transformed these regions into great barns through the high ceilings of productivity obtained by fertile soils, rotation practices, carbon sequestration, and systems involving livestock along with grain cultivation and forestry. We don’t stop there, we show that this cerrado that shelters us, has the greatest diversity on the planet interacting in this landscape, with the flora, fauna, rivers, plateaus, and waterfalls.
A space that was chosen by the soy migrant who every day plays his role in the face of challenges, but with many opportunities.
In this environment, we feel like “useful human beings”, because every day, with every challenge, we are ready to win and carry out actions that we are very proud of.

This is one of the parts that were given to us in the classroom, given to the students and residents of the Santa Luzia Community.
We consider it to be a counterpart of FAPCEN, for the sale of credits from properties certified by the RTRS, sponsored by soy buyers who understand that inclusion is the main part of sustainable agriculture.
And it’s just a great start. May each human have the honor of serving others and that together we can make the world better, just as was the proposal made by the hands of God.


Text by: Gisela Introvini
English Version: Daniel Barbosa

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